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WU/T Friendly, RP Tag = ICAo3: OhGoshOhwe
Twitter: OhGoshOhweLast Updated: 4/22/2024
Forest Name : Róman Djt-Gilda
Chosen Name : GraysonRace : Viera - Rava
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Sexuality : Pansexual
Age : 94
DOB : 8/6 (Fourth Umbral Moon)Height : 6'
Eye Color : Lavender
Hair Color : Stone blue with streaks of grayProfession : Black Market Jeweler and Gemsmith
Residence : Black Shroud - Undisclosed Cabin
Deity : None.
Appearance : Grayson has steel blue hair with gray streaks that extend into the tips of his leporine ears and dot the ends of his short, bushy tail. He has light tawny skin with a dusty nose that's often turned up alongside a sneer. His eyes are a bright lavender, hiding behind thick lashes, that appear to glow in dim lighting. He is highly self conscious of their hue and often avoids direct eye contact as a result with those he does not know.Distinguishing Features : Above his right eyebrow is a small scar, hidden behind curls of blue hair. The rest of his body is dotted with scars from his time as a Warder, the only one of significance is a mark along the back of his shoulder blades. He is never seen without a pair of black leather gloves, which he refuses to remove under any circumstance.Personality : Grayson can be best described as aloof. He does not form quick bonds with people, and regards even frequent business contacts as little more than strangers. To those few who can call him a friend, he is highly protective. Partings are the most difficult thing for him once he has formed a close bond with a person, and so he keeps himself at a distance, to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of longing.
Airsick, Seasick : It doesn't matter if it's over open water, or high in the clouds, Grayson hates both modes of transportation and uses them sparingly. The mere thought of traveling in either fashion makes him sick to his stomach.Loner : Mostly out of a fear of rejection, Grayson spends his days alone and pretends to enjoy the solitude. He has few friends, and only seeks their company when he is stressed.Glamour Magicks : Grayson has a gift when it comes to crafting glamours. The higher the price a client is willing to pay, the better the illusion. It is a skill he prides himself in but rarely advertises.Secrets : Grayson refuses to speak of his past in Nagxia and his time in the woods, and it can be difficult to say if the rare bit of truth is true at all. Good luck getting him to admit to the truth.Kin : The Rava is more open to speak to those he thinks he can trust. That trust is limited, and very rarely extended to strangers. Though rare, he enjoys long conversations with other Rava when he happens to chance upon them. Though so far, the conversations have been brief and unfulfilling.Hard of Hearing : He is uncertain whether or not his poor hearing is from the excitement of the battlefield, or his time away from the woods. To compensate for his lack of hearing he has learned to read lips to a certain degree of proficiency and will sometimes speak with his hands.
Grayson was born deep within the forests of Golmore, beloved and doted on by his many older sisters. He was smaller than most of his kin and with a timid nature that kept him from socializing with the other kits in the village. More often than not he could be found in one of his sister’s shadows, following after them to garner their attention.When he came of age, he was the only one to be taken from the village that season. The Rava chose the name Róman for himself and has long since forgotten the name his mother gave him. He adapted quickly to the harshness of the woods with his mentor, who taught him how to survive without the comforts and convenience of a village’s resources. Róman’s weapon of choice was the bow, and his quiet nature only served to aid in his stealth, though he did develop a bit of a temper during the years of his training. All too quickly he was given the mantle of a Warder, and took on the title of Djt-Gilda. Whether or not he was prepared for the role remained entirely up to the forest and the tutelage of his mentor.--During his first years alone in the woods, he was saved by another Warder after a deadly mistake nearly cost Róman his arm. The other introduced himself as Ölvir Rehw-Gilda. He was fifty years Róman’s senior, with bright red hair adorned by countless feathers. Ölvir suggested that the two work together for a time based on the common grounds of their titles. Stubborn and flustered, Róman first tried to refuse the help of the other man. He could hardly tolerate the other’s presence and wanted nothing more than to go back to his isolation. But, a day turned to two, then a week, and in time they formed a close bond, until the pair exchanged their declarations of affection beneath starry skies one summer night.After many more years together, the two Warders came upon an empty village on the border of Nagxia, just outside of their shared territory. They had no reason to explore beyond the bounds of the wood but curiosity got the better of Ölvir, and he easily convinced Róman to explore the village with him for no more than a few bells of their time. What should have been simple reconnaissance became a nightmare.A single woman was found to be residing in the village, with mangled hair and a crooked smile that sent shivers down the Warder’s spine; a w̷̽͆̍̍̉͠i̷̺͚͊̋̇̒͘͝ţ̴̢̧̤̓̆̊͗c̷̡̲̘͙̤͂̒ḥ̴̈́̎͝ and a powerful sorceress by her own declaration. Being in her mere presence unnerved the two Warders but she would not allow them to leave. The witch with no name took control of Ölvir and threatened to do the same to Róman unless they made a deal. There appeared to be no other choice but to fight or accept her dark proposal. Róman chose to fight, as futile as it seemed. And while he was able to subdue the witch, the price was hefty, and in the end wove a desperate tale. Ölvir lost his life and Róman was cursed, his eyes turned lavender and his fingers stained a deep black. He gained extraordinary powers, but in order to make use of them required massive amounts of aether.Grayson refuses to speak of the ill events of how it was he came to be exiled from the woods. Tales spread of the death of two Warders and the mysterious blight which spread from an abandoned village on the border of Nagxia.--It was in Nagxia that Róman adopted the nickname Grayson. He wanted nothing to do with his old Warder life after Ölvir’s passing. For a time he assisted in the resistance efforts by the scattered villages of Nagxia, even helping coordinate counter attacks against Garlean forces. It gave him something to do and kept both his mind and hands well occupied. A goal to put his focus into and forget about his exile. He learned new skills, chiefly metal working, and made great efforts in understanding what magicks he was capable of.A chance encounter allowed Grayson to meet the Novoya siblings, Valentinis and Ivanis. The two Hrothgar had long since been forced from their home in the Northern reaches and had the same plans of rebellion and revolution as many of the Nagxian people did. The three often fought together, and while Valentinis and Grayson seemed to despise the other in casual conversation, they were a deadly pair on the field of battle.The years became a blur of gunpowder and talk of a formal resistance before the trio separated to walk their own paths. The brothers stayed to help form what would come to be known as the Bozjan Resistance, and Grayson had plans to travel to Eorzea with the promise he would return should the brothers call on him. He was given the name of a Thaumaturge in Ul’dah who could help cure him of his curse. As soon as he was able, he booked passage to Eorzea and said his goodbyes to the Novoya brothers.--Grayson is often described as a difficult man to find, even if you know where to look for him. If not at his hidden workshop in the Ul’dahn alleys, he is said to have been spotted frequenting the home of a beloved Conjurer in the Lavender Beds.
Where is he now?
After settling in Eorzea for good, Grayson set up shop in his small cabin in order to focus on making custom jewelry pieces for the Ul’dahn elite. He specializes in concealed glamour magicks which he sells for a high price to those who know to look for him. On the days he can’t be found in his cabin, he is often lounging in the home of his pseudo adoptive daughter, A’nhabi Ohwe, sipping on home brewed tea and being regaled by her tales of discovery.
✤ Commission : As a well known gemsmith among the social elite of Ul'dah, Grayson is happy to take on any complex work you may have for him. Begrudgingly, he will still accept a simple commission if he is finds the gil in his purse to be lacking. His true specialty lies in concealing glamour magicks, though that kind of work comes at a high price.✤ The Curse : Rumors have spread from the far reaches of the East of a man with lavender eyes and a box he never lets leave his hip, who once met with the old master of the Thaumaturge Guild in Ul'dah to discuss a terrible secret. His prowess in battle is unmatched, but with every battle won comes a new rumor of his true self. A devil, a witch, and a traitor. All nicknames he has earned on the Eastern continent during his fights against the Garlean advances by those who witness his power. So, what then, is the truth of the matter behind his apparent curse?✤ Kin : Grayson finds he is more amicable towards those of his own race. Any Rava who happens to cross his path is far more likely to earn a friendly greeting rather than his cold shoulder.✤ The Bozjan Resistance : Many long years of Grayson's life have been spent in both the forming, and current struggles of the Bozjan Resistance. He has aided their efforts many a time, and should you happen to be on the same field of battle, be wary of the mage's destructive powers.✤ I don't know! Don't know what to say, that's fine! Send me a /tell the next time you see me. I'm always happy to discuss ideas.
| OOC |
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read Grayson's Carrd!Timezone: CST
Server: [Crystal] GoblinI am open to all RP with Grayson, in game or on discord. Typically I am a multi-para writer but am flexible with shorter replies, especially in game. Both short term and long term RP are things I am interested in, but for anything long term Discord is preferred. Please message me first if there is something you would like to pursue long term - communication is a must. I enjoy a mix of all types of adventure, canonical to the game or not. Don't be shy -- I appreciate /tells in game even if it's not IC.Do I ship Grayson? Not typically, though I am open to the idea. He can be quite difficult to get along with and has personality traits that make romance difficult for him.When combat is involved I have a strong preference to use a roll system. If your preference is otherwise, I am happy to find some sort of accommodation, but I find that using a roll system works best. Your character may get hurt - and that's okay! I use this system to avoid all-powerful character interactions which make combat less interesting. I try to follow the Grindstone rules whenever possible.Please understand that while my character may not like you at a first glance, that is not necessarily how I feel about the writer behind the screen. The separation between character and muse is an important distinction with the people I write with. I am not my character, so please understand that just because they behave a certain way that it does not reflect my feelings about you.Please don't hesitate to send me a message and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. Nhabi#4173
| The Curse |

"So then, we finally meet. Allow me to introduce myself.""However it is you found yourself face to face with me is unimportant. But I would like to make you a deal, while sweet Róman sleeps and I have the authority to strike a bargain that you cannot refuse.""I will give you power, that of fire, ice, and lightning. Yes, my dearest, the arts of a Thaumaturge, but at their truest potential.""At times you may require a bit more aether to sustain us, but surely that can be fixed by gorging yourself on another, no? In any event, we will find a way.""Free me. Let us burn this world together.""Before he wakes.""Do not disappoint me, darling. I am waiting."